Today's post is the first of a two-function serial written past Victoria-María MacDonald and Emma Taylor , who are volunteers at the National Archives at College Park.

The centennial anniversary of American involvement in World State of war I permits a closer await at the diverse racial and indigenous groups who participated in the Great War. In this weblog post, we are attempting to reveal how the construction of social and armed forces histories of Mexican Americans, peculiarly from Texas, called "Tejanos," tin can be congenital through the examination of Records of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) in Record Group 120 . Documents from diverse NARA collections, such as draft registration cards, the federal census, and even maps, further contribute diverse perspectives and triangulation to soldier experiences and backgrounds. Some records have been accessed through, one of NARA'southward digitization partners .

Histories concerning the role of soldiers of Mexican descent, whether U.S. born, naturalized, or seeking citizenship, are particularly scarce. The U.S. armed forces'south classification of Mexicans equally "White" in World State of war I – and thus interspersed with other ethnicities – has challenged historians documenting participation of this group of Latinos. The AEF's 36th Division, nicknamed the "Lone Star Sectionalization," and the 90th Partition, nicknamed the "Tough 'Ombres" ['Ombres for "Hombres" in Castilian pregnant "men"] offer researchers rich textile to construct histories and collective biographies of Tejano participants.

The path to unearthing and bringing forwards these narratives began with identifying divisions equanimous of former National Baby-sit units from the Southwestern states. Fortunately, volunteers from the National Archives at College Park , had constitute a cache of over 2,000 first person accounts of soldiers "going over the summit" in the 36th Division. Now completely digitized and searchable in the National Archives Catalog, these records offer rich descriptions during the intense battles in France during the last months of war in 1918.

As Spanish surnames began appearing in the records, particularly from the 141st Infantry Regiment, nosotros began to ask ourselves who these men were in terms of social and economic background, and citizenship condition. How did their identities equally Mexicans affect their experiences embedded in a division with both European American immigrants, Texan Anglos, and Native Americans from Oklahoma? Thus, as the U.Southward. State of war Department in 1917 chop-chop ramped up its forces from state-level National Guard units, authorities documents (such every bit the i beneath) betoken where men were reassigned equally a starting place for searching the large RG 120 AEF collection. Resultingly, while this web log focuses merely on Texas Mexicans from the 36th and 90th Divisions, soldiers of Mexican descent from New Mexico, California, and Arizona tin too be traced through original state-level National Guard assignments.

Pages from 30-31 - CompositionFormerNatlGuardUnits.1916
Table showing composition of Texas National Guard. U.S. State of war Department, Composition of National Guard Units, 1917. Eye for Military History, pages 30-31

To the Line of Burn down!: Mexican Texans and World War I, is currently the only volume-length written report on this topic. Author José A. Ramírez utilized samples of Spanish surnames from draft registration cards in RG 63, Records Relating to Registrants, Records of the Selective Service Organisation, to estimate that of the approximately 36,000 Mexican-origin men who registered for the typhoon, 5,000 of them served.The draft registration carte below from Private Epigmenio G. Garcia of Headquarters Visitor, 141st Infantry Regiment, 36th Segmentation, illustrates some of the  details of soldiers' backgrounds available from these primary source documents.

Private Garcia appeared to the local draft board in Cameron County, Texas, on the first registration day for World War I — June 5, 1917. He reported that he was "natural born" in Raymondville, Texas. Garcia was thus non eligible for an exemption in this typhoon round equally he was a U.S. citizen, reported no dependents, and did non take any disqualifying disabilities. His task  as a "Traveling Salesman," for the "Great [sic] State Patrolmen's Association," suggests literacy in reading and writing. Indeed, Pvt. Garcia signs his own name (other conscripts could just identify a mark [x] for their names), and his signature also matches that of his well-written account simply four months later most the battlegrounds of France.

2 - PvtEpigmenioG.Garcia.36thDiv.141stInf.DraftRegistrationCard.06.05.1917jpg
Draft Registration Carte of Epigmenio G. Garcia. RG 63, Records Relating to Registrants, Records of the Selective Service Organization

The U.Due south. military posthumously recognized David Barkley with its highest stardom, the Medal of Honour. He was the only soldier of Mexican origin from the Bully War to receive such an award. While he was serving, all the same, David Barkley did not mention his mother's Mexican heritage or surname (Cantú) to avoid discrimination. One of Barkley's descendents revealed in 1989 that his female parent was Mexican. While some cursory histories of Hispanic veterans mention the few who received awards from the U.Southward. and France, this essay focuses on showcasing documents illuminating the everyday and well-nigh unknown soldiers and few noncommissioned officers who fought on the front end lines and trenches in France. They were gassed, wounded, shell-shocked, and killed alongside over one million U.S. soldiers who served away, ane-fifth of whom were foreign-built-in. Their stories merit inclusion in the narratives of World War I history.

Nosotros have constructed Towards a history of Mexican American participation in World War I in ii parts. In Part 1, we draw from the virtually two dozen written accounts signed with Spanish surnames, and confirmed equally Mexican Texan origin through other sources, to reveal how linking them with census, draft registration cards, transport ship passenger lists and other federal records from the National Archives can flesh out richer profiles of these doughboys.

"Over the Tiptop"  Experiences of Texan Mexicans in the Trenches

When  President Woodrow Wilson declared war in 1917, the U.South. armed forces force barely numbered 100,000 men – mostly concentrated in the state-level National Guard Units. Among the hundreds of thousands of men who registered for the beginning round of the draft that year were immigrants from all corners of the world, particularly Europe.  Historian Nancy Ford recounts how the War Department was "shocked" to observe that approximately one-4th of the draftees were either illiterate in their native linguistic communication and/or functionally illiterate in English. War Department rules required volunteers or conscripts to read or write English in lodge to serve. In response, the War Section created the Foreign-speaking Soldier Subsection (FSS) in January of 1918 to apace devise a means to  teach recruits bones English language and engage in Americanization programs. In Americans All!:  Foreign-born Soldiers in Earth War I , Ford details how a successful  English language language curriculum developed at Fort Gordon, Georgia was exported to several camps as "the Gordon Plan."   Most soldiers but received three months of preparation, resulting in many achieving just functional literacy. An indication that the brief training was bereft is axiomatic in the personal account of Private Pablo Cortez, Visitor M, 141st Infantry, which combines broken Castilian and some phonetic English.

Transcription and translation of Private Cortez's letter proved challenging as revealed beneath:


At the other cease of the literacy spectrum is the well-written and lengthy account below of Sargent Miguel Barrera of Visitor B, 141st Infantry (NAID 77419026). A native of Laredo, Texas, this non-commissioned officeholder was placed in control of B Company with piddling experience.

Barrera exemplifies the concerns of both the Allies and Commander in Primary General of the AEF, Full general John J. Pershing, that troops had not had plenty time to train either in the U.S. or in one case in Europe.  He honestly described feeling "green," and naive to the realities of war. The Tejano'south account is 1 of brutal High german burn down in the Champagne Sector of the Meuse-Argonne offensive between Oct 6th and October 28th, 1918. He acknowledged:

"we were al [sic] green men and beingness the first fourth dimension under fire, nosotros didn't know what to exercise, but any how nosotros took the front line, the G.I. can were falling all along the line of course being my kickoff dark and in that location [sic] were falling nigh 2 & 300 yds away from where I was. I didn't pay much attention to the Thou.I. can, but my God when the One thousand.I. cans begin to burst nigh 10 and 25 yds from where my Hole was, then I begin to go scared, and started to pray and I ask one of my men if he was afraid of the G.I. cans and he said, no, not much equally long as they don't hit in my hole, so then I didn't have much run a risk to tell him I was afraid of the G.I. cans…."

(The 1000.I. cans were named because these German arms shells were made of galvanized fe.)

Sgt. Barrera gathered courage from one of his men, simply he castigated himself for being so eager to get over the top:

"of form that was one affair that I was anxious to do, to go over the top. I wanted to know what it look similar going over the top. I wanted to know the experience of doing it. Oh. what a poor Green man wants to practice. I wanted to hear a Avalanche, Oh I wanted to practice whole lot of thing that I didn't know."

When Barrera finally did become over the peak and crossed no homo'south state he exclaimed, "I could hear and see the dust of the motorcar gun bullets hit all around me and at the same time my comrades falling all effectually me, and when we reach our objective and we dug our holes and at that place where [were] only 8 men left of our bunch, we stayed in our holes all surrounded by motorcar guns and snippers [sic]." Ship transport passenger lists indicate that he sailed home from France alive despite the Sargent's harrowing experience crossing no man's land and going over the superlative at least twice.

Not all enlistees saw combat. Richard Faulkner in Pershing'due south Crusaders , discusses the difficult and unsung work of noncombatant personnel who engaged in the "labor intensive" job of "moving, feeding, supplying, paying, healing, and administering a two-million-human being ground forces in France".[1] Although oft disparaged by combat soldiers considering of their altitude and safety from the front lines, hundreds of thousands of men were essential to allow combatants to perform. In a simple business relationship with clear penmanship, Sgt. Joe Benavides (NAID 77419086) notes, "Though I didn't get into action I performed the duties of a mess Sgt feeding the men and taking Chow to them while they were in action."

7 - Sgt.JoeBeuavides.36thDiv.141stInfantry.
Account of Sgt. Joe Benavides, 141st Inf. HQ Co. 36th Segmentation NAID 77419086

These handwritten accounts of Mexican Texans during some of their most intense moments capture the range of their feelings from anticipatory excitement to fear of death.  The dates of the essays in October and November 1918, indicate they were written immediately or presently subsequently gainsay. Compared to memories recalled later on, such as oral histories or autobiographies, the authenticity of the essays render them valuable primary sources.

In Part Ii, to be published later this fall, we will innovate Private José de la Luz Sáenz (1888-1953), instructor, writer and activist,  who wrote the but extant diary of a Mexican American Doughboy. We will showcase how various records of the 90th "Tough 'Ombres" Division, such as maps, field messages, casualty lists, and fifty-fifty cemetery headstone records can exist linked and corroborate first person accounts.

Earlier posts related to the Lonely Star Division tin can be found in the Text Message Blog — Earth State of war I Experiences of the Lone Star Partitioning and The Blue Arrowhead .

Many cheers to Judy Luis-Watson for her aid and the squad of dedicated volunteers and staff at the National Archives at College Park who worked to preserve and brand these WWI records available online.

Resource – Full general

"Records of Divisions, 1917-1920" (National Archives Identifier 301641) from Record Group 120, Records of the American Expeditionary Forces (Earth War I)

Faulkner, Richard S. Pershing's Crusaders: The American Soldier in Earth War I. Academy Press of Kansas. Lawrence. 2017

Ford, Gentile. Americans All! Foreign-born Soldiers in World War I . Higher Station: Texas A&1000 Academy Press, 2001.

Oropeza, Lorenza. "Fighting on Ii Fronts: Latinos in the Armed forces," American Latinos and the Making of the United States: A Theme Study. U.S. Department of the Interior/National Park Service. Washington D.C. 2010.

Ramirez,  José A. To the Line of Fire!: Mexican Texans and World State of war I. Texas A&K Academy Press. College Station.  2009.

U.S. Section of War. Composition of National Baby-sit Divisions and Disposition of Former National Guard Units. Government Press Office.  Washington. 1918. Middle for Military History.

Zamora, Emilio. The World War I Diary of José de la Luz Sáenz. Edited and with an introduction past Emilio Zamora. Translated by Emilio Zamora with Ben Maya.  Texas A&M University Press. College Station. 2014

[ane] Faulkner, Richard Due south. Pershing's Crusaders: The American Soldier in World War I. University Press of Kansas. Lawrence. 2017, pp350-351